
Vision Zero Pedestrian & Cyclist Traffic Collision Analysis

Sponsor: Information Technology Agency, Dept. of Transportation, LAPD

University: USC

Status: Complete


The City of Los Angeles and the University of Southern California undertook a partnership in the use of advanced data analysis techniques to assess traffic collision, traffic engineering data and other analytic factors with the intent of identifying and reducing pedestrian and bicycle vs auto collisions. This project hopes to determine factors, anomalies, and patterns in pedestrian and bicycle vs auto collisions. As well as provide the DOT and LAPD with additional data to assist and expedite traffic engineering modifications and plans to improve safety at high risk locations.


The pilot provided the City with: the scientific evaluation of traffic collision data - what happened, substantial insights into the contributing factors resulting in vehicle vs pedestrian/bicycle collisions - why it happened, recommendations for changes that could be made to the areas of highest risk for vehicle vs pedestrian/bicycle collisions and predictions on collision reductions - what should happen, and recommendations of key metrics to measure - what will happen. As well, this project even won the prestigious 2015 Best of California award in data Analytics from the national Government Technology Magazine (